Preparing For Submission
Prepare an .app for submission
Ensure you have the following information before you submit a .app to the registry.
What if you already have your APK published on Play Store?
You may need to do minimal changes in your APK. These changes should be such that Google Play Services (like IAP etc) are removed or handled so that they don't throw an exception or cause your app to crash. We have in our dApp-sdk parallels to the PlayStore services that you can use when they are available.
What if you already have a side-loaded APK?
Similar to the above, you may need to ensure that any side-loaded feature is handled such that it does not throw an exception or causes your app to crash. We have in our roadmap parallels to the Side Loaded services that you can use when they are available.
What if my app is a PWA?
That's great news. You can either publish your app as
PWA as it is.
Bundle it in APK and ship it as APK.
Shipping as it is in PWA is simple and you simply need to have a URL where it can be accessed publicly.
If you want to bundle it as APK, you can use one of the many tools available to package your app in APK and continue shipping it. While we do not recommend any particular tool, there are many available on a search result.
What if only my website is mobile optimized?
Similar to PWA, you can use a tool to convert your website into APK. While we do not recommend any particular tool, there are many available on a search result.
Last updated
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