Claiming Your .app Name

Claim your .app name

To submit your .app visit . The next steps are described in this short video.

At this time, the following restrictions apply to minting.

  1. One wallet can claim only one .app NFT

  2. .app names with <=3 characters are non-mintable.

  3. Whitelisted names are not mintable.

To know more, read our Support & FAQs

Whitelisted Names

Certain names are whitelisted by Meroku. They represent certain partners of the ecosystem. We want to ensure they are owned by their actual representatives.

If a name is whitelisted, you will not be able to mint it from the .app. Doing so will result in the following error:

Claiming a whitelisted name

Whitelisted names can be claimed only by contacting Meroku Support Form here. We will need to verify the identity of the individual or team during this process. So you should use your work email in the form. Please wait for 4 business days for us to respond and verify.

Verifying the .app NFT in OpenSea

When we transfer you a .app NFT, OpenSea will by default hide it from your profile. It's because you haven't really minted it, but have got this NFT. This is a default OpenSea behaviour and there is no reason for concern.

To unhide the .app NFT from your OpenSea profile, see this OpenSea article.

Buying a .app NFT

If for some reason, the .app name of your choice is already minted, you can check for them on OpenSea if it is listed. If there's a listing that matches your budget, you can buy them on OpenSea.

  1. Go to Our OpenSea Collection link -

  2. Search for the name that you are interested in.


What is the cost to mint a .app NFT?

There may be a minting cost associated with .app NFT. Right now, this is 0.1 MATIC. The latest minting cost can be fetched from contract. Visit the contract details on at and look for the "Mint fees" in "Read functions without parameters" section. The value is in Wei. You can use an online convertor to convert it into MATIC.

There will be additional gas fee required by the network. The latest gas info can be viewed on polygonscan gas tracker.

I am unable to claim some names

There could be many reasons why you're unable to claim a name

  1. Reserved Name - This could be because the name you're trying to claim has been reserved in whitelist. To Claim such names see Claiming a whitelisted name

  2. Special Names - For now, minting of names with 3 or less characters is not allowed. This will be done at a later point of time. Follow us on twitter to know the announcement before others.

  3. Any other issue - This can happen because of network being busy or being over capacity. We keep an internal track of these issues and usually resolve them quickly. So it's best to wait for sometime and retry. If you face the issue repeatedly, reach out to us on Discord

I lost access to the wallet which had my .app NFT. What can I do?

Hmm. That's a grim situation. There's nothing you or we can do to recover that NFT. However, there is a way to ensure that your app is still available and you can update

  1. Mint another .app with a similar name. Update the metadata as you desire.

  2. Wait for the earlier .app NFT to expire.

  3. In an exceptional scenario, we will be able to hide previous .app NFT from API responses. This will ensure that previous app metadata is not available for someone who consumes from Meroku APIs. However, for anyone accessing it from chain, it will still be available. To initiate a request, fill up this form. Note that we may not be able to entertain all the requests for this.

Last updated