The simplest way to interact with EVM based contracts

Contractly transforms your interaction with Ethereum contracts. Our platform translates complex contract operations into intuitive visual elements and human-readable functions. Experience the simplest, most user-friendly way to engage with the Ethereum-based contracts. Access it now at

Why Contractly?

Here are some of the most compelling reasons to switch to

  1. Clutter-Free Interface: Unlike other tools like Etherscan, is designed to help you focus on your interactions with the contract. We present basic information upfront, so you don't have to scroll through every function and interact with them to understand their value.

  2. Humanized Function Names: At, we believe that function names should be easy to read and understand. That's why we humanize function names, so you can easily identify what each function does. It's much easier to read Safe Mint NFT To rather than safeMintNFTTo.

  3. Comma Separated Numbers: We make it easy to read large numbers by separating them with commas, making it easier to read and understand.

  4. Unified Read & Write Interface: We present direct and proxy calls in a unified view, making it easy to see all your interactions in one place. And for those who care, we mark proxy functions with a *.

  5. Better Wallet Connect: Changing your account from the wallet is easy with Our dApp changes its address automatically, making it a breeze to switch between accounts.

  6. Auto Dark Theme: We know that many people prefer a dark theme, so we've made it easy to switch to one. And unlike other tools, we've made our dark theme a standard grayish color, making it more consistent with other popular tools like Github and Visual Studio Code.


Are there any charges to use Contractly?

There are currently no charges to use Contractly

How are you able to serve it free?

We use Etherscan APIs. Currently our usage is limited and we are able to provide this service in their free quota.

Why are some contracts not being shown?

We currently only support Verified Contracts. If a contract has not been verified, we will not be able to show the functions around them.

I have a suggestion. Where do I say?

Awesome. We love to hear how we can improve our products. Let us know on the community forum at

Last updated